Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Watch It Missy

Last night at bathtime, Cora got a new "daisy head" towel. Once she got out of the bath she was toooo adorable not to photograph. Even with her cold dogging her all day, she still had nothing but smiles for the camera. Check it out:

Ok I post this photo and bring it up not to showcase how freaking cute my daughter is (but lets face it - she's the cutest being ever to crawl the Earth). Instead this photo was the bane of my existence today. How you ask? Allow me to elucidate...

As I may have mentioned, the photo above is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. In light of that, I had no choice but to put it up as my wallpaper on my work computer (I think its Iowa law). A fellow attorney was in my office today discussing some issues she wanted to bounce off me. Once we were through, again I had no choice but to spin my computer monitor around and show my friend the photo (again - pretty sure its Iowa law). She oooo'ed and ahhh'ed over the photo, went on about how adorable Coco was (duh) and made all the right observations. Until she said this: "Awww... and who's holding her? Grandma?" What?? WTF? Excuse me? I had no choice - she had to be fired.

Wellll, so I had no power to fire her but if I had.... Seriously - how on earth am I supposed to recover from that? I mean true I had on no makeup, I hadn't slept for more than 90 minutes at a time in two days and the camera isn't exactly focused on me but that doesn't seem to ease the sting. In fact the point that I was sleep deprived and fragile made things infinitely worse.

Ok so my friend was mortified about her faux pas and apologized all over herself. She tried to say she was looking at the screen at an odd angle; that she hadn't looked that closely at the person holding Coco; and that she was so distracted by how cute Coco was that she just assumed I had been the one taking the photo (ok so that one earned some points back because I mean - have I mentioned that the kid is cute?). But by the time she was making her apologies (and feeling horrible about it) I was off in my own land of Botox, Personal Trainers and Spa Days. Maybe after I get some sleep, and some perspective, I'll feel ok about it - but for now I think I'll try and parlay this into some hubby sanctioned spa time. Hmmm maybe there is a silver lining after all...


Anonymous said...

Kristi ~ She is a doll! Nice to see photos of her.


FlippyHolz said...

Thanks!! You need to send some photos of little Boyd!!