This is my Blog. My very first Blog. I will love it, and pet it, and call it George. Oh yeah, I already named it. Well that seems fitting for my life for so very many reasons. Check out my profile for the full low down. So anyhoo -- here we go....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
How Do We Get There From Here?
What do I mean by that? Let me give some examples. We got engaged, and then told we were being transferred from Iowa to Memphis, TN all within 12 hours. We got married and moved back from Memphis to Iowa in one weekend. We got pregnant and got a puppy the same weekend. We delivered our first child and while I was out on maternity leave, I interviewed for and accepted a new job. Change is who we are. Its what we do. Its part of being a young family. I am struggling to understand why now, its suddenly time to slow down.
Now before you think me too impetuous, let me assure you that while being financially stable is an admirable goal (and one we BOTH subscribe to) we have crunched numbers from here to kingdom come and, with some minor sacrifices for the short term, can definitely afford to move forward with our dream home now. We will not be putting ourselves at any great risk barring, God forbid, the death or loss of a job by one of us. And of course, in either of those circumstances we'd be in a world of hurt even in our current situation. That's just a low-end calculated risk you take as a family.
My thoughts are simple: 1) I'm not getting any younger. I want to have my second child before I am considered significantly "high risk" for pregnancy. I also want to be done changing diapers by the time I'm 40. I'd like to get daycare out of the way as soon as possible, financially. I'd like my kids to be close enough in age to actually like each other. 2) I'd like to be settled in a new home before having our second child. I do not want to move with a newborn. Having a newborn is hard enough and trying to get a newborn and a toddler adapted to new surroundings (not to mention trying to get a nursery ready with the baby already here) is not something I'm excited to take on.
While I can appreciate my husband's desire not to have to endure building a house (already a stressful event) with a hormonal whale of a wife who will not be much help lifting heavy objects, I think that the better alternative to building a house with a SUPER hormonal, new mommy, leaky, worn out, wife.
So where do we go from here? The age old pillar of marriage - concession and compromise. One thing Hubby and I are good at is talking things through and finding middle ground. I will say this has been one of our harder ones to master. In fact, its not mastered yet. But since neither of us can make this decision unilaterally (at least without risking jail time) we have no choice. We will get there. How and when we'll get there is still a little murky but I have to trust that we will get there. While I'd like to put this issue to bed in order to move forward knowing the game plan, I have to appreciate that some decisions cannot be made in a week's time. Loving my husband means respecting his feelings and wishes - not just in easy times like football season or furniture shopping - but in the hard times too. It means respecting his feelings even if mine are just as strong in the opposite direction on one of the most important things we could choose to discuss. It means remembering I married a person, not a subordinate. Who knows where we will end up, when we will end up there, and how many of "us" there will be when we do. But hopefully by the time we get where we're going, we'll both understand its the right place at the right time.
Monday, May 12, 2008
How I Spent My Very First Mother’s Day - By Me.
My very first mother’s day was perhaps not everything I envisioned (no one peeled me grapes or gave me a two-hour massage) but it was a pretty good one nonetheless. It started with
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Husband Tag
What is his name? Ryan or Dada
How long have you been married? 2 years this past April
How long did you date? Including the engagement, 2 years
How old is he? 29 (allllmost the big 3-0)
Who eats more? Sadly, oftentimes that is me. He is a admits he eats like a bird.
Who said I love you first? He did (woah boy is that a story)
Who is taller? He is - 6'5"
Who sings better? I guess probably me, but just because he won't do it - he says he's terrible.
Who's temper is worse? Depends: on frequency, mine - on severity, probably his.
Who does the laundry? I do mine and Coco's, he does his own.
Who does the dishes? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed (when you are facing it)? Me
Who pays the bills? He does. I just incur them.
'Who cooks dinner? We both do just depending on what we're having and who's more motivated!
Who mows the lawn? He does.
Who drives when you are together? He does about 90% of the time.
Who has more friends? Probably him - he kept in touch with a lot more college friends than I did.
Who has more siblings? He does...he has a sister & a brother...I only have one sister.
Who wears the pants in the family? No one... there are no pants. :)
Ok, I'm tagging... Jen S, and Nette